Conservative Affairs

Conservative Affairs - Riley Scott One of the most interesting topics in lesfic romances are public figures struggling in the closet. There are quite a few recently popular lesfic books that deal with this subject, but most feature actresses. Coming out in public may be disadvantageous for their acting careers, but its not the same as what an elected politician will probably face--career suicide--especially if she's a Republican in a conservative city who's up for re-election.

This is a fun and quick read. Nothing too deep or overly analytical. But the scandals, the attraction, the office conflicts, the surprising twist (!), the terrible fallout all contribute to a very enjoyable page-turner. The characterizations are spot-on, consistent and true--even to the end. The plot was realistic enough--no easy way out for our ladies' dilemma. The final wait was nail-bitingly tense I almost needed an antacid, lol. Loved the speech too!

4.5 stars

Would have given 5 stars if the book had a little more depth. I wanted to get to know the mayor more--such a fascinating character, but the book was mostly from Jo's and some other people's POV. There was a little something I didn't get though--why the mayor would push her ex-lover over the edge when she could have managed to defuse the situation with a little more tact. It seemed to be out of character.

Just found out this is the author's debut novel. Great work on the characterization, the plot, and most of all the pacing!