
Cake - Jove Belle A yummmmmmy appetizer!

Let me just go right out and say it: The sex is amazing. So much so that I needed some effort to recall what the rest of the book was about (and I'm usually pretty good with these things, lol). Let's see. There was a wedding. A broken mailbox. And... okay, I'm gonna cheat and go read the blurb, lol. Anyway, so our ladies meet at a wedding. One is the sister of the groom and the other is the ex of the bride. It was insta-lust. But oh so inappropriate....for the occasion, at least. ;) The rest of the book (about 50% of it, I think, though I could be wrong because I could hardly think at that point, lol) is about their almost superhuman effort to try to keep their hands off each other and how massively they fail at it (yes!)...first, in the middle of the grand wedding reception and everywhere else.

But..that is pretty much it. A lesbian romance without the drama just isn't. And I don't remember any romance either. Our ladies were so preoccupied from the get go, the romance and the drama will just have to wait, because the book just ends. :( At least, we have something to look forward to in Cake 2.

The thing I miss with physical books is that you can always tell how long the book you're getting is. Not with ebooks. Unless you're paying close attention. This one felt a little on the short side. Even for a novella. It could be because I was too caught up in the uhm...erotic stuff, and the pages just flew by furiously fast. Let's see. For the record, a peek at Amazon says its 82 pages. A bit of copy/pasting shows the word count at 23,020, not including extras like the TOC and the promotional stuff at the end, which all take up about 5% of the page count, according to my e-reader. Is it worth it? I can't really tell unless we look at the price, which according to Amazon is just $3.00. For such a yummy appetizer, I'd say it's more than worth it.

Let's just hope we don't have to wait too long before the next dish is served.

4.25 stars (3.5 for the story and a perfect 5 with a standing ovation for the erotic scenes)

ARC received from the publisher.

Note: This is best enjoyed in private. Definitely NSFW. ;) Oh, and thumbs up for the cover. They got the look perfectly!

P.S. Now that I'm thinking a bit more clearly, I do recall that there was a bit of drama with the brother and the parents, and something about the other lead doing community service for something... But honestly, everything feels like the backstory they show in video game cutscenes--you can't wait to start playing the game. The erotic scenes are so intense (and detailed and extended) they feel like they ARE the book, even though strangely this is not marketed as erotica.