
I love books with strong female characters. Be it action, sci-fi, fantasy, drama, horror, historical or paranormal, as long as there is an underlying love story, I'll read it.
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adventure (59) all-time-favorites (84) amnesia (1) angst-fests (11) bad-girls (21) better-late-than-never (2) bff (10) bisexual (1) butch-squared (1) colored-ladies (7) coming-of-age (1) coming-out-late (18) cops-feds-detectives (78) cowgirls-horses (2) crime (20) dead-ex (2) did-not-finish (7) drama (70) dystopian (11) erotic (12) exceptional-writing (12) excess-baggage-aka-kids (12) falling-for-older-women (16) falling-for-the-boss (9) falling-for-the-prof (8) fantasy (20) favorite-2013-reads (27) favorite-2014-reads (24) favorite-2015-reads (20) favorite-2016-reads (7) fetish-y (1) fluffy-romances (18) free-reads (13) fun-fun-read (13) gifted-girls (19) heroine-with-disability (3) historical (40) infidelity (3) injured-sick-disabled (3) ladies-of-the-night (6) lady-pirates (4) legal (14) long-time-no-see (6) love-triangle (1) medical (2) medical-docs-nurses (4) military-spies-assassins (36) mystery (67) mystery-intrigue (22) novella (1) opposites-attract (7) parallel-timelines-or-flashbacks (13) paranormal (36) politics (4) post-apocalyptic (7) prison (8) psychological-thriller (4) ptsd (16) reporter-journalist (1) rich-girl-poor-girl (16) scifi-speculative (54) short-story (2) sleeping-with-the-enemy (24) snooze-fest (2) space-opera (14) sports (2) steampunk (3) stripper (2) thriller (163) time-travel (9) tissues-required (23) toaster-oven-awarded (1) toaster-oven-winners (23) trans (1) twist-y (25) unforgettable-character (19) unforgettable-mc (5) unlikeable-mc (1) unrequited (2) vanilla-romance (43) violent (24) war (3) women-dressed-as-men (11) writer (1) y-a (6) Unshelved (350)